
Showing posts from February, 2020

Using Plush Toys To Enliven The Lives Of Patients A Good Idea

Many a terminally ill patient yearn for some company but this wish is most of the time not completely fulfilled. Friends, relatives, near and dear ones may spend some time with them. But their busy life schedule doesn’t permit them to spend a lot of them with the patient. Bedridden or wheelchair-bound patients are filled with boredom and have not much to do but wait for someone to turn up and cheer them up. Then one of the plush toy organs can enliven their stay in the hospital or the convalescing room at home. Toys can help reduce stress and depression These patients can go into depression and to make them happy may not be an easy task for the caretakers or even their near and dear ones. But their lives need to be perked up so that they get a little bit more cheerful and stay a bit happier. This can help them heal faster too. While depression and staying stressed can take a toll on their health while staying cheerful can help them recover faster or at least forget for some